Users create Schedules to apply real dates for starting batches from templates. Users can set the frequency and repeat Schedule for starting a template. For example, if users have a template for Bibb Lettuce and users create a Schedule that repeats every week on Monday and Thursday, then a start task will be generated to begin a new batch of Bibb Lettuce every Monday and Thursday with the actions described by the template.
Creating a Schedule
Since Schedules are attached to templates, users can only create a Schedule once a template has already been created.
From the Template Planning screen, click on the Add Schedule button to the right of each growth cycle. A side popup window will appear. From the side popup window, you can fill out the details for a start including duration, frequency, batch amount, zone, and inputs and outputs.
Editing an Existing Schedule
To edit an existing Schedule, click the name of the Schedule or the right-hand arrow on the relevant list item.
Starting a Batch from a Schedule
After a Schedule is saved and associated with a template, start tasks will automatically populate in the task list in accordance to the Schedule that was created.
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